Day 10 – Magic Kingdom Fireworks

  I honestly don’t think anything in my life could have prepared me for this. You’re all going to think I’m over reacting. Or mental….




I honestly don’t think anything in my life could have prepared me for this. You’re all going to think I’m over reacting. Or mental. Or both.
You know how Disneyworld is magical, it’s the place where dreams come true, it’s the happiest place on earth.. I just cannot describe HOW MUCH you really do feel it. 
It’s all about hopes, dreams, wishes, getting what you desire. It’s overwhelming. It’s cheesy. It’s nostalgic. It’s wonderful.We spent ages waiting for the electrical parade, we managed to find a hidden spot that gave us a clear view as everyone else had got there before us.After the electrical parade, we wait for the fireworks to start at 10pm. At 9:45, the lights went down and something happened that I didn’t expect.

A show called ‘Celebrate the Magic’. It’s a light show that projects images onto the Cinderella castle and it is absolutely amazing. You can view it on YouTube hereStraight after, the firework show ‘Wishes’ started and now I know that I will never be impressed by any other firework show. You can see it on YouTube too, but you honestly don’t get a feel for the scheme of the thing from the video.There is just something so amazing about tens of thousands of people all peering up at the sky watching fireworks behind Cinderella castle, by the end of it I just felt like all my insides had fallen to the outside of me. I can’t explain.I cried basically all the way through the light show and the firework show. I just felt like I could not process how amazing it was so the only instinct I had was to curl up in ball, lay on the floor and sob.At the end, thousands of people excited the park, I couldn’t even talk about it without crying.I’m still not over it. 


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Day 1 – The Flight
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Day 9 – Applebee’s
Florida Instagram Photos
Florida Phone Case


  1. There’s really nothing like the Magic Kingdom at night, is there? They used to do a parade called Spectromagic, which I like even more than the Electric Light Parade, but they’re both wonderful – I know it sounds cheesy, but it really is magical 🙂

    1. Ahh, I just googled Spectromagic and it does look fun! The Electric Light Parade was okay, but nothing compared to Celebrate the Music and Wishes!

  2. I was just at Disney World on Christmas Eve, but I did not stay for the parade or fireworks because I was so tired, but these photographs really make me wish that I had stayed! The fireworks show looks so beautiful!

    1. You should have stayed for them, I think if I went back I would be excited to see them and it would be the first thing I’d do =)

  3. Amazing photos! It looks so pretty at night. However, I would find it disappointing that you can’t go inside the castle – Disney missed a trick there. 🙂 x

  4. So jealous! The pics are amazing! I’ve never been to Disneyland / Disneyworld or whatsoever and I’ve always wanted to! xxx

  5. What a great evening nothing like the magic kingdom to remind us of being little ones again. That is some show and the floats, lights on the castle and fireworks look so magical and lovely. Lucy x

  6. Disney is definitely a magic place and it doesn’t matter how old are you part of that magic will always stay in your heart. Beautiful pictures and I’m glad you had a great time!

  7. Ahhh your post has made me even more excited! During Thanksgiving this year, my mom booked a stay at Disney World for a weekend! I haven’t been there in ages but even as an 18 year old, I’m still pretty darn excited. And between your posts and Keiko Lynn’s blog, it has gotten me pumped for November. I have never seen Magical Kingdom’s fireworks before but from your pictures, it looks like it is pretty fantastic. Definitely will have to check it out. Anyway, thank you for sharing and again, I hope you had a fabulous time!
    xo Olivia

  8. I’m lucky enough to have seen the fireworks at Disney Land Paris…utterly beautiful. Great photos!

  9. WOW! This just looks amazing. I am really jealous! Your pics are wonderful hun 😀

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  10. There’s really nothing like Disney, I never believed it till I went but truly is the happiest place on earth. I’m so excited for when my little ones big enough to go

  11. This is beautiful!! I love Disney. I went a lot as a child to the one in Florida. I took my oldest when she was younger to the one in Paris and I didn’t have as much fun, it was far too hot, long lines, and she wasn’t tall enough for any of the rides, it was so expensive for everything and so crowded. We had to leave before the fireworks to get our ride back to the city, so not sure if we’ll go again, maybe when both my girls are old enough to do everything. It still gives magical feelings though 🙂 x

    1. I want to go to Paris one, just because it’s closer and cheaper for me to get to than America, I went with school when I was younger but can’t really remember it.

  12. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Great post 😀 I really enjoy reading your blog, your photos are great! Keep up the good work.

  13. OH MY GOD, I AM SO JEALOUS THAT YOU GOT SO MANY WONDERFUL SHOTS OF FIREWORKS IN THE NIGHT SKY!!!! i must must learn & practise slow shutter now because every time i try to take fireworks in the sky, they get all blurry, bah!

    i love that you wrote “There is just something so amazing about tens of thousands of people all peering up at the sky watching fireworks” because there really is (something so amazing about it!!)


    it’s that solitary moment that makes me feel like i know what magic is.

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