Start Building Your Own Home Gym With Very

ad. Have you ever wanted to build your own gym? Having a home gym had been a dream of mine for years. When we moved into our current house, I told my husband that having enough space for a gym was a must, especially if we were planning to have children


Have you ever wanted to build your own gym? Well, there’s no better time to start than a new year! Having a home gym had been a dream of mine for years. When we moved into our current house, I told my husband that having enough space for a gym was a must, especially if we were planning to have children. At the time, I went to the gym 5 times a week and had a personal trainer. Exercise was a big part of my life and I was terrified of not being able to exercise due to pregnancy and having a small child. I had lots of something I don’t have now – time. 

Time was my main reason for having a gym at home. It means no time is wasted commuting to the gym or waiting for machines to be free. Working out in the comfort of your own home also means you never have to feel self-conscious in front of others. Plus not having to pay gym membership fees is a bonus, though the cost of your equipment may end up costing more!

For me, it meant I was able to work out through pregnancy when the gyms were shut for lockdown. I was lucky I already had my gym as everyone started buying exercise equipment and it was all sold out! When my baby was born, it meant I was able to go to the gym while my husband watched my son. I didn’t want to be far away from him, especially when he was young so I could always stop my workout if he needed feeding or a cuddle. 

I’ve had my home gym for almost 5 years now. It’s evolved over that time so I wanted to give you some ideas on how to build your home gym, setting a budget and choosing the right equipment.

How To Setup Your Own Home Gym

Before you start buying gym equipment, you need to understand your fitness goals and the type of workouts you enjoy. You might need a barbell and weights if you’re into strength training. If you’re a yoga lover, a good-quality yoga mat and some yoga blocks may be all you need. If cardio is a big part of your routine, a piece of cardio equipment may be important for you. I started with some weights and an Olympic barbell. But more about my own gym in a bit. 

Setting Your Budget

Building a home gym doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You can start with a few essential items and gradually add more as your budget allows. Keep in mind that investing in high-quality, durable equipment can save you money in the long run as it will last longer. Honestly, you can start with a few weights and kettlebells in your living room!

Choosing Your Space

The next step in building your home gym is to decide where you will set it up. This could be a spare room, a portion of your garage, or even a corner of your living room. Optimise your workout space for safety and convenience. You should have enough room to move around freely and perform your exercises without any restrictions.

The ‘No Space’ Gym

If you’re limited on space, don’t fret! You can still have a functional home gym by opting for compact, easy-to-store equipment. Resistance bands, adjustable dumbbells, and foldable exercise mats can be easily stored in a closet or under a bed when not in use. There is a slight inconvenience of having to get your equipment out and tidy it up after, but it still works. 

In the past, I’ve worked out in my bedroom and that worked well. I had plenty of space and could do a workout with some 3kg weights, following workouts online. I’ve also worked out in my current house in the kitchen and the living room when my son was small. Small spaces can work too. So don’t worry if you don’t have much space. 

The Hybrid Garage

If you have a garage, it can be a great option for a home gym. A garage can accommodate larger equipment such as a squat rack or a treadmill. There will also be enough room for other garage items. For example, ours has my husband’s bikes, DIY equipment and my son’s pushchairs. My gym takes up about half of the garage. 

The Spare Room Gym

A spare bedroom can be transformed into a dedicated workout space. It offers privacy and room for equipment. Consider adding mirrors for form checking, a sound system for motivational music, and good ventilation for a comfortable workout environment. You may also need some gym floor mats. 

Home Gym Equipment Ideas

Now that you’ve thought about your needs, budget, and space, it’s time to start shopping for equipment. Very stock a wide range of equipment, they have cardio machines, weights, sportswear, fitness tech and more. Here are some essentials to consider:

Free Weights

Free weights are a versatile addition to any home gym. They include dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and weight plates. They can be used for various exercises to target different muscle groups. You can get your weights from here – as you can see, I’m a big fan of the hex dumbbells! I’d recommend buying the lower-weight ones first if you are new to strength, then you can buy more as you get stronger. Setting up a free weights home gym is probably the easiest option as it doesn’t require any large equipment.

Hex Dumbbells

Olympic Bars 

Olympic bars are big! You need a lot of space on either side to do your workout. You can get shorter 10kg and 12.5kg ones, but you can still add more weight plates to them to increase the weight. 

Cardio Equipment

Cardio equipment such as treadmills, exercise bikes, and ellipticals can help improve your cardiovascular health. They’re great for warming up before workouts and cooling down afterwards. I started with a spin bike as they aren’t too big and you can get a good workout with them.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a cost-effective and space-friendly option for strength training and flexibility workouts. They come in different resistance levels to cater to your fitness level.

Adjustable Bench

An adjustable bench is a must-have for weightlifting exercises. It allows you to perform a variety of exercises, from bench press to seated shoulder press, in different positions.

Pull-Up Bar

A pull-up bar is a great addition to your home gym for upper-body workouts. It’s versatile, easy to install, and takes up minimal space. My squat rack has a pull-up bar on it, which is a great space saver!

Squat Rack

A squat rack is an excellent investment for serious strength training. It allows you to safely perform heavy lifts like squats and bench presses. You can also use squat racks to load plates during deadlifts. My Squat rack also had the option to later upgrade to a cable system. About a year after getting the rack, I got the cable extension pack so I could do exercises such as lat pull-downs, tricep pulls and bicep curls.

Skipping Rope

A skipping rope is a simple but effective tool for cardio workouts. It’s also great for improving coordination and agility. You do need space to be able to use a jump rope, or you can use it in your garden. 

A Step Box

Step boxes are a great way to get some cardio in without having to buy cardio machines. You can do intense workouts on step boxes and add weight sot make them more difficult. You can also double it up as a bench for doing exercises such as chest presses, dips and seated weights. I have two-step boxes and I sometimes use them to help with deadlifts if my back doesn’t feel great and put them on top of each other to help support with squats. 

Storing Your Equipment

Proper storage of your gym equipment not only keeps your workout space organised but also extends the lifespan of your equipment. Invest in storage solutions like weight racks and wall mounts to keep your equipment in good condition. I have a weight tree for my Olympic plates and one for my dumbbells.

Olympic Plate Weight Tree

Creating the Mood

Don’t forget to create an environment that gets you in the mood to work out. This could be through motivational posters, good lighting, or a sound system for your workout playlists. Your home gym should be a space that motivates you to achieve your fitness goals. I take my iPad and play motivational videos on YouTube. Usually fitness and food vlogs! Or sometimes I just catch up on a podcast or other YouTube video depending on my mood. 

How I Built My Gym

I just wanted to take you through how I built my gym and what I bought first. I was doing a lot of gym workouts when we moved into our house, but the gym was about 30 minutes away instead of 5 minutes which was putting me off going! I started buying the equipment I would need for one of my workouts. I didn’t have a rack at this point, so it made sense for me to buy equipment for a back and shoulders workout as I could deadlift and do accessory work with just a bar and weights, no need for a rack and bench! 

I bought a large rubber mat, a 15kg Olympic bar, a 10kg Olympic bar, some bumper plates, iron plates and off I went! This meant I was able to do one of my workouts in my gym to save a bit of time in the car. These were my essential pieces of equipment, but everyone is different and you might prefer to invest in different workout equipment first. 

My gym in August 2019

I then slowly added more things over time. I got a rack, an adjustable dumbbell set and two-step boxes. I also got a full-length mirror for form checking, which I put in my squat stand. 

Over the years, I added more to my gym. I’ve bought hex dumbells, kettlebells, a cable pully system for my rack and upgraded my weight clips. 

During COVID, my gym was a lifesaver. I was pregnant during this time and was able to work at home during lockdown and when the gyms opened, I was able to remain isolated which was what pregnant women were advised to do at the time. This is the time I invested in my spin bike for some more cardio. 

My Latest Additions

I have recently made my dream purchase. A treadmill! I have always wanted my treadmill, it was my most used cardio equipment at the gym. I do run outside sometimes but I love doing a quick 15-minute run alongside my weights sessions. I picked the Rebok GT40S ONE Series Treadmill which was quite expensive, but we wanted one that was great quality and would last us a long time. It’s big, but it feels like I’m running on a gym treadmill. I’m especially excited to use this to get warmed up before a weights session in the winter months! 

This treadmill has an incline, handlebar controls and a clear display that tells you your time, speed and calorie burn. I’ll mostly be using it for treadmill HITT workouts, where I like to run fast for 1 minute then rest, or sprint for 30 seconds and rest. I find this type of treadmill workout stops me from getting bored and gives me something to focus on.

I also ordered myself a new weight tree for my hex dumbbells and treated myself to a pair of 4kg weights. I now have 4kg, 6kg, 8kg and 10kg hex dumbbells. I’ve got space on my weight tree for a set of 12kg and 14kg, which I will get eventually! But for now, I have everything I need in my home gym and I’m really happy with it. 

Other Equipment 

Fitness Watch

My other must-have piece of equipment is my Apple Watch. This is the second Apple Watch I’ve had and I’ve been using them for 6 years. I can’t be without a fitness tracker now. I find it motivating to be able to track my time, heart rate and calorie burn. It’s also a great way of seeing when I’m not working hard enough and it encourages me to kick it up a notch if my heart rate is low! They also last for ages, I’ve had my current watch since 2020 and it’s still as good as new. The newer watches have some new features but all I want to do is track my workouts and tell the time, so I’ve no need to upgrade yet! 

I used a FitBit before which was also a great watch. It was just as good as my Apple Watch for tracking workouts, I just am a bit of an Apple lover! You can find both Apple Watches and Fitbits here.

Apple Watch


If a garage gym, you will need some gloves for the colder months as the metal bars get so cold. 


Nobody likes to work out in silence! There are many ways to entertain yourself in your home gym. You may have a TV that you can watch, use your laptop or another screen to watch something or listen to music with a Bluetooth speaker. I watch YouTube videos during my workouts. Something easy that you don’t have to fully focus on, the last thing you want is to get distracted. Podcasts are also ideal. 

​Workout Trainers

Getting good workout shoes is a great investment. I personally love Nike Metcons. They’re great for weight lifting and you can do some running in them. I’ve always been a fan of Nike trainers. I also have Nike running trainers. You can find the perfect Nike trainers for your needs here.

Nike Metcon Trainers

My Future Gym

We will hopefully be moving house in the next few months. I’d really like to improve my home gym setup. We are hoping to get a home with a two-car garage so I can have more space. I’d also like to insulate the garage and have proper gym-style rubber flooring put down. I’d also like it to be cleaner – it’s impossible now as the gym is the first part of the garage, so the bikes, wellies and prams have to go through it so the floor gets dirty easily. But I don’t need much more equipment, it’s just space I’m lacking. Although I would love a rowing machine! 

For me, building my home gym has been a great investment that will save me time and money in the long run. As I work from home and have a small child, time is so important to me. Being able to step straight into my own gym is a game-changer. Always remember, the best gym is the one that you’ll use consistently. So, make your home gym a place where you love to workout and have fun building your own home gym!


  1. Very interesting. I would also love having a gym in my home, it’s worth the investment. Plus there is joy in knowing you don’t have to go far just to access the gym

  2. I didn’t know you were moving house? That’s exciting! I’d love to have a home gym like this. I’m not a gym goer but would massively prefer something like this where I can exercise in my own space. My mother in law has SO much gym equipment in their house that doesn’t get used. We joked the other week that we should put it in our garage, but whether it’ll actually happen I don’t know. Haha.


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