Daily blog checklist to stay on top of your game when you’re busy

It’s hard work to have a life and blog. I can often feel overwhelmed with things I need to do when I’m busy and when…


daily blog checkist

It’s hard work to have a life and blog. I can often feel overwhelmed with things I need to do when I’m busy and when I have that spare 30 minutes to get tasks done, I easily forget.

To make the most of the short amount of time I have at the computer when I’m busy, I’ve come up with a checklist of things I do to stay on top of my game.

Hope you find it useful!

daily blog checkist

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  1. I need this so badly. I’m really struggling to keep up with all blogging and admin at the moment so this’ll really help to give me focus. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for this post! It is very useful, especially for a newbie lifestyle blogger like myself trying to balance medical school, being a dog-mom and my blog. I look forward to more posts.

  3. Great checklist, especially throwing in Pinterest and StumbleUpon. I’ve got back into Stumbling and have slowly seen a slight increase in traffic. My Pinterest is driving me mad, part of me wants to delete EVERY board and start again!

    Sarah 🙂

  4. How on earth do you fit work in, I am taking my metaphorical hat off to you. I know you don’t think so much it really is an amazing achievement. This list is really helpful Lucy x

  5. Such a useful post, as usual. I do the same for Twitter and Insta, these tricks work wonders. Stumble however, that`s a platform that`s a bit confusing for me.

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